Digital Transformation

LaFresh information
WPOS Platinum Package
uniEat Co., Ltd.
Dudoo Eat
Institute for information industry
Intelligent Predictive and Analysis System (IPAS) for supply chain resilience for EMS
LG Uplus Corp.
LG Uplus Corp.
Institute for information industry
An agile hybrid simulator of human machine collaboration for multi-workers
Taichung City Economic Development Bureau in Taiwan
Taichung Shopping Festival Platform
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mohidol University
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj hospital
WorldLink Communications Limited
WorldLink Communications Limited
Bank of Investment and Development of Vietnam (BiDV)
Accredify Pte. Ltd.
Kan Yeik Thar Wellness Center
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Embracing Digital Transformation for a Brighter Future
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
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